From Our Men’s Ministries Leader:

Life is, can be, and will be difficult. We will face family, health, and spiritual issues, just to name a few. I pray that with God, and each other, we can avoid, or reduce the effects of these issues in our lives. Through our times together, and our friendships, we can grow and learn together to be better men in all aspects of our lives. Join with me, and become part of the “TIED”.

 Join Us!

“Crimson Tied” Men’s Ministries meets several times throughout the year for breakfast fellowships, dinner fellowships, game nights, golf scrambles, and an annual Crossroads Men’s Retreat in May. Email for more information on upcoming dates and times. 
Special men’s Bible studies are also offered periodically throughout the year on Wednesday nights. 
Join “R.O.M.E.O.’s” (Retired Old Men Eating Out) every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Alexandris Restaurant in Wadsworth at 9:00 AM for a time of fellowship.